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Our Classes

Welcome to the wonderful World of Taekwon-Do Kubz, where all our Kubz have so much fun learning how to perform the coolest TKD moves, with super-cool drills, teaching our Kubz everything from great communication skills (helping them make friends and learn so much faster) to keeping them safe from every day hazards as well as dealing with difficult situations from both children and adults alike, thus giving our Kubz the very best possible start in life.

Our unique programme links the two most important areas/ people in our Kubz life – HOME and SCHOOL. With our TKD Kubz Programme, thus linking all three together with one purpose, inspiring, educating and keeping your Kubz safe! Firstly and most importantly we will support those who matter most in our Kubz lives, Parents/Carers, with special communication and home drills, designed to inspire great behaviour and monitor and reward all progress.

Kubz uses simple drills to teach skills like how we “Build a more peaceful World” by simply smiling and shaking hands, as well as the universal skills of:

  • Child Protection Against Adults – Strangers / Non-Strangers alike.
  • Aggressive Children/Bullying of all ages, verbal and non-verbal.
  • Health and Fitness, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
  • The benefits of working together, the fun of sharing.

Class Timetable

Classes Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
TKD Kubz

(3-6 Years)
16:30 – 17:15 16:30 – 17:15 16:30 – 17:15 09:15 – 10:00

10:30 – 11:15


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Where to find us

Master Hutton Fitness

12 Albion Way Kelvin Industrial Estate, East Kilbride, G75 0YN

Email: masterhfitness@gmail.com

Phone: 07881 510547

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